Welcome to ianpassion blog. Do not overwork workself! Eat, rest, and play. When we are going through a difficult situation, it is crucial to have the right attitude. Don't let fear destroy our vision of a better future. If we stay positive in a negative situation, WE WIN!

August 16, 2024

Family is like a raincoat that protects us from rain


                By Ianpassion
                My daughter Nana is using a sack of fertilizer to protect herself from the rain.

I listened to a Rick Warren podcast about having an awesome family. He uses the raincoat as an analogy to describe the concept of an awesome family. We use a raincoat for protection from the rain; imagine if you didn’t have a raincoat when you were outside. Just as a raincoat protects us from the rain, a family provides protection and support in the face of life's challenges and problems.

In this illustration, the raincoat represents the family, and the rain represents the challenges or problems we encounter in life. Imagine our children suffering rejection, loneliness, fears, and more without the support of a family. It's no wonder that when Satan wants to destroy a nation, he starts with the family. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10), so when a family is broken, we lack protection when the rain comes.

August 06, 2024

Embracing Life's Fleeting Moments

By Ianpassion 

This morning, we were saddened by the news of someone we knew in the village passing away at the age of 38. He was rushed to the hospital last night due to a heart problem. During the day, everything seemed normal, and he appeared healthy. However, last night he struggled to breathe, and later we found that he had passed away.

Instances like these remind me that life is a precious gift. Some are on the brink of death, yet their time has not come, and I believe I am one of those. I always consider my life on earth as temporary, and as long as I have life, I live not for myself but for the One who has given it to me.

May 27, 2024

The Enduring Companionship and Love of the Son: Lessons from My Daughter's Story

By Ianpassion
Nana's drawing when she was 6 years old 

When my daughter was six years old, she wrote a story about Briya's pets. Although her English skills weren't good yet, her creativity shone through. The tale featured Tea, a dog, and Present, a rooster, who kept Briya company, echoing the assurance that she was never alone.

Reflecting on this, I saw parallels with the Son's promise to always be with us, akin to the companionship Briya found in her pets. Witnessing her connection with the Son at such a young age, expressed through her writing and drawings, filled me with awe. My hope is for her relationship with the Son to deepen as she grows.

December 12, 2023

How the Father's Love Revealed in this Christmas Season?


You might ask, what is new about the birth of the Son? It is a kindergarten story. Whatever possible reasons you have, allow me to simply elaborate on three important things about the Father's love through the birth of His Son. It is a fact that Christmas history began with the story of the Son 2,000 years ago when Rome was still in power. Some might deny this fact, but history tells us that there was a baby wrapped and placed in a manger. 

The Father demonstrated His first act of love in the Gospel stories by allowing His Son to be delivered in a stable - a place where animals are kept. It was unusual. However, The Father would not allow it without a purpose. The Son of the Almighty was placed and found by the shepherds in a manger - a wooden box that keeps grass for animals' food. Animals can come and eat in a manger whenever they feel hungry. Read more here...

July 26, 2023

Disturbing Incident Experienced By Nemi At His School

By Ianpassion
Nemi doing her homework

Last night, during dinner, my son Nemi was in tears, expressing his unwillingness to go to school. Concerned, we immediately probed the reason behind his distress. To our shock, he revealed that one of his teachers had not only shouted at him but had also resorted to physical aggression, hitting him twice with her hand. The first blow struck his back, and the second landed on his lap.

Naturally, we sought an explanation for such unacceptable behavior from the teacher. Nemi explained that he couldn't finish rewriting Thai letter activities in his book within the allotted time. Although he had diligently worked on the task and was close to completion, he couldn't keep up with the pace. The news filled me with anger, and I felt an intense rush of heat in my head. No teacher should ever treat our son or any student in such a manner.

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