July 31, 2017

He Wanted You To Be His Child

By Ianpassion

Many believers these days still do not understand their real identity, or maybe you are one of them. You have reached a crossroads of your spiritual confusion and began to ask yourself,  "Who Am I?. Am I a servant or a  child of Loving Father?”  

Like Moses, he was confused if he was a foreigner or a chosen. So when he saw a slave-master maltreating his fellow, he ended this by putting the law in his own hands. He was afraid so he hid. He asked himself, "What if the Emperor would know that he sided with the slaves?” 

Moses wanted to be a prince and at the same time, a chosen one. As a consequence, he was running for his life, exiled in the desert, and undergone ups and downs. His doubts grew and argued with the Father. Until one day the Father confronted him,  “The chosen people is my firstborn son.” (Exodus 4:22) Moses' heart was transformed as the Father's heart for His children was revealed.  

Moses finally believed He is a child. He has the Father who wanted to deliver his brothers and sisters from slavery and gave back to them their honor. The Father aches to see His children maltreated by their manipulators.  He could not endure anymore. So He sent a deliverer, their brother Moses. 

With that being said, when the Father rescued us from the system of control, and when we had nowhere to go; He had not only delivered us, He also had deleted all records of wrong, invited us to come home, and gave us a new identity, His child ( Galatians 4:7). He said, "You are not a slave anymore nor my servant. You own what I own, you have what I have, you enjoy what enjoy,  I am your Father and you are my beloved child."

However, there are still many believers who are confused with their true identity and eventually behaved like they are slaves even the Father already had freed them. They thought that through their good works, sufferings, or humanitarian efforts they could earn the Father's love. As a result of that aspiration, they feel not free anymore. They feel they are controlled. Conditioned to be always afraid.... afraid that others will discover their weakness and imperfection. 

The scripture says, "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." ( I John 4:18)

Fear is gone the moment loves reigns. Like the chosen people, many still wanted to be servants or slaves and went back to the foreign land. They ignored the master-slave relationship and laid aside their freedom as long as their material needs were met. Thus, they failed to trust their Father, who could provide more than what their foreign masters could give (Ephesians 3:20). 

As long as the chosen people lived in a lifestyle of sonship; they were victorious. But at the moment they shifted themselves to slave-servant mentality or slave-servant relationship, then their lives were ruined. Again they were imprisoned by their past and were driven by fear. As a result, their joy was gone. 

In the new testament, Pharisees believed they had intimacy with the Father because they were knowledgeable about the law and traditions. If today, they were well-known masters, doctors, or scholars of theology. They knew how to perform and achieve impressive results to inspire the people. But their hearts were far from the Father and when they stood to speak, they were the most boring speakers. It is because they hid in their own self-made academia and standards. They used their own-made qualifications to disqualify people. Finally, these Pharisees were the number one manipulators who sabotaged the crucifixion of the Son. This is the reason why they were always the performing slaves, never could be a child of the Father, and always known as hypocrites. 

Always remember that our real significance or acceptance is not on what we did or we can do, but it's on what the Father did for us. He adopted us His children. 

If you think you can earn His love by your best performance and loves you more if you can do more for Him; then you are still a slave or a performing hypocrite. You are not living yet from your true identity as His precious child. He wanted you to be His child, nothing more and nothing less. His desire that you and I should live from His love and not for His love. 

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