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July 14, 2017

Celebrating My Birthday 2016 | Hiking

By Ianpassion 

The most common way to celebrate our birthday is to have dinner with friends or with family.

I remembered those moments when I was still a child. My parents used to organize a special party for me. Native chickens around our house were always the victims, at least ten slaughtered every birthday event.

As I grow older, things I used to do had changed. 

When I reached university, my birthday was more with friends. I could not celebrate my birthday with my parents because I lived far away from my family.  Not to mention this, It was during my college days I got my first birthday cake 😀. 

Back then, giving cake was not actually in the culture in the village where I grew. Nowadays, however, giving a cake to a birthday celebrant is already a norm.  If there is no cake, it seems like the event is incomplete and the feeling is....hmmm....something is missing.

What the Scripture says about giving of cake?

Actually, the Scripture did not mention anything about the giving of cake. But it does not mean that offering a cake to a celebrant is bad. Giving can be your time, your greetings, and prayers. Where this culture of birthday event comes from? Even the singing of a birthday song in non-English speaking cultures exist. 


There are many ways on how to celebrate our special day.

I did mine differently from what is common. I spent my birthday in the woods. I hiked and camped in the jungle. I slept on the hammock and had my meals in a primitive way.

Together with a friend, we sneaked through the jungle even the weather was so bad. It was raining all day. The trail was muddy and slippery. We hiked for two hours until we reached the basecamp,  where we tied our tarp and hammocks in front of Wangthainan Waterfall.

At night, I could hear the different sounds of wild tropical insects and animals. And the pissing noise of the waterfall nearby relaxed our emotions which helped us had a deep sleep.

The pond nearby gave us fish to cook. Fun, fun, and fun! 

Lots of things I could enjoy whenever I am in the woods, which I would never get from loitering in the malls or from going to amusement parks. Nature connects my soul. It reflects the beauty of the Father's love and His glory. 

Traveling and booking a hotel is a good choice to celebrate birthdays, but of course, we need some extra budget for that. However, if we are taking a trip into the woods, what we need is only a  hammock or a tent. Invest once all our outdoor equipment then we have them at whatever time we needed. 

It is not on where and how we celebrate our birthday, but what is important is why we do have a birthday event.

Let us keep in mind that our birthday is a blessing. It is the time we remembered the love of the Father by allowing us to come into this world. He used our parents as an instrument of His wonderful plans for us. 

It is also on our birthday we remember the love of our parents who never gives up loving and caring for us especially in those times when we were still a baby. And the Father made it sure that we would be in the right family where we are protected and loved. 

This picture was taken during my 35th birthday at Wang Tai Nan Waterfall, Manang, Satun, South of Thailand, 2016

Overview Wangthainan Waterfall 

More about my birthday reflection read more here...

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