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November 25, 2017

What if I have no Reasons to Celebrate Christmas?

By Ianpassion 

I do not know what you are going through nowadays. You might be reading this post at the time that you are down and discouraged, struggling with your health, finances, relationship, or maybe you have a patient to care for. Thus, Christmas for you at this time of the year might not be a wonderful season. 

However, others may be the opposite. They can shop, buy new things,  eat nice food, and can spend their holiday abroad. They are healthy and wealthy. It looks like they do not have anything to worry about-- no problems to ponder, no debts to take care of, and no relationship issues to settle. It seems they have all the reasons to rejoice in this season of Christmas. However, the truth is, everybody has always something to face and overcome.

Friend, whatever life takes us. Our breakthrough is today. Our breakthrough comes when we are broken. Be encouraged! Hold on to our dream. Our Father allows us to get up today from our bed because He is not finished with us yet.  This Christmas is about His immanence.  He is our Emmanuel, our loving Father who is with us (Mathew 1;23). He who promised not to leave us, and from him we got our inner drive to keep going. 

When we feel like giving up, somewhat our hurts awake us in the middle of the night, fears are about to overcome us, we start getting weary about life, we begin losing passion, and eventually, disbelief and doubts creep in; always remember that we have a Father who is always faithful. He is Emmanuel. He is there to rescue us. Call him! 

Sometimes wet do not see His hands, but trust His heart. Remember the story of Joseph. He did trust the Father for 13 years in Jail before his breakthrough eventually came. How about Jacob? He worked an additional seven years for his wife Rachel. And the chosen people wandered in the desert for 40 years before eventually residing in Canaan, the land of promise. It's just a matter of time. 

We might think that He has rejected us or He has abandoned us. It seems like He closes his ears to our plea. We do not hear His voice nor feel His presence. Yes, often times He is silent and far. But, His delay is not His denial, and no matter what we feel He exists.  

We have a committed Father. He is with us and for us. He wants us to see His wonderful plans fulfilled in our lives with an attitude of faith. Let us be assured that He is working behind the scene. It is often the darkest night just before the beautiful sunrise comes. 

The song by Don Moen said: 

He never sleeps
He never slumbers
He never tires listening to our prayer
So rest in His love 
And cast all your cares on Him. 

Friend, I declare His favor be upon you and your family this wonderful season of the year. Wherever you are, you may be far from your loved ones, and whatever predicaments of life you are in now; I assure you that our Father will never let you bypass this Christmas without experiencing His joy, peace, and love. As you continue acknowledging Him (Proverb 3:6) and calling Him (Jeremiah 33:3), He will direct your path and grant your supplication. 

Have a joyous time with your family and friends. Be blessed richly and wishing you a very happy merry Christmas. 

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