February 01, 2018

Boom: Sufferings, Pains, And Tribulations Can't Stop Us Doing What The Father Has Put In Our Heart

By Ianpassion 

I used to appreciate very profound theology. But recently, I found that the teaching about suffering especially by J.P. in his book “Don’t Waste Your Pain”, he failed to elaborate "Our Identity". We,  the children of our Almighty Father are unstoppable, overcomers, and victorious.

For every hardship that we are facing, there is an equivalent assurance of victory.  The Scripture told us that nothing in this world can separate us from the Father’s love. Even death can be our complete triumph over suffering and our passage for our next best life.

Our Father will never give us challenges that we cannot handle. For every challenge we are dealing with, there is a considerable strength given. The cross that the Son carried was heavy enough that He could lift and the distance He hiked was perfect enough that He could finish before His crucifixion.

The Scripture has never mentioned that we have to praise the Father for every storm, but rather, to praise Him for “Who He Is?" in the storm. He is our strength. He fills our cup when runs dry. He is our provider in times of need. 

Hardships we face are not sent to destroy us. They are sent to empower and promote us, and above all to glorify the Father.

When we are fulfilling our purpose and destiny, and when we are living the passion the Father has placed in our hearts, know that storms will surely come, but we have a promise that others don’t have. Therefore, in difficult times, we are still victorious. 

The Scripture declared, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but our Father delivers us out of them.” (Psalm 39:19)

I personally experience hard times in life that I almost gave up. I failed not just once but many times. I thought I could not go on.  People whom I believed were my true friends finally turned their backs. I realized that not everyone around us can go far with us and not all of whom we respect are really for us.

Fulfilling our purpose and destiny, and living the passion that the Father has placed in our heart is not an easy road. But, we have to keep moving. We must have a warrior mentality for every struggle we are going through. For whatever we do, we should not stop advancing forward.

When the Father closes one door, do not get disappointed or kick the door for He opens another. He cuts some relationships connected to us because He has the best ready for us. He has already lined up good people who are faithful to us through thick and thin of life. All we have to do is to keep the right attitude for every transition.

When we feel overwhelmed and tempted to take all things in our hands, we have to make ourselves still. Always remember; the battle is not ours; the battle is the Lord's. 

Friend, don’t limit our Father. The Scripture mentioned, "...the One who is in you is greater than who is in the world." (I John 4:4) 

Suffering is immovable in life. Whether we are a child or not, we are subject to suffering. The only difference is we have the assurance that others do not have. We have the blood of the Champion in us. We are unstoppable, overcomers, and victorious.

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