Welcome to ianpassion blog. Do not overwork workself! Eat, rest, and play. When we are going through a difficult situation, it is crucial to have the right attitude. Don't let fear destroy our vision of a better future. If we stay positive in a negative situation, WE WIN!

July 20, 2018

Thai Local Rice Pounding With Amazing Skill

By Ianpassion

Traditional wooden pounder is a common agricultural tool in a rice farming communities. We also had this tool back in my parents' house in Mindanao, Philippines. 

Back then we grew our own rice, after some months waiting we harvested the grain and spread on a mat to expose directly to the heat of the sun for drying. When the grain was dried enough then this is dehulled by continues raising and dropping of a heavy wooden pestle in a mortar. 

The two Thai mothers pounding rice with amazing skill in this clip made me think of my childhood, that was when my mom and my father pound rice for our daily meal. When I reached at the age that I could lift a pestle, then I started helping my parents. 

One sack of unpulverized rice would take at least an hour to finish pounding until its husks were separated from the white grains. Just to see how it is done looks so easy, but to make the rice not overflow from the mortar when pounding required some skills, patient, and a long practice. 

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