February 23, 2020

It Is A Paradise | Bulon Island Satun

Bulon island is a castaway paradise in the Andaman ocean of Satun Province, South of Thailand. If we had not gone beyond the coastline of Satun, We would have not discovered the existence of this beautiful island. 


We had visited Lipe island before but Bulon island amazed us the most. This is an unspoiled island with long white sandy shoreline, crystal clear seawater, and tall trees canopying. Without a doubt, this should be a perfect place to relax or do camping with our friends and families. 

We thank the Almighty Father for the help of one of our friends who has a connection on the Island. Without him, we would not have an opportunity to cross the seas with fewer expenses. 

We took a very simple fisherman old boat with 120 cc engine. It sounded a lot but it runs slow. It was roofless, smells rotten fish, and no life jackets. The ride was at our risk. But lots of adventure, history, and stories...thus, we would miss all of those if we had ridden the commercialized boat. The trip was almost 1 hour.

While we were approaching the island, my kids were sleeping. In a few minutes, which I only heard the loud noise from the engine, I was staring at the blue sea waters. What came to my mind was the story of Peter. The only man in the history of mankind who could walk on the water.  He saw the Son walking on the water and asked Him to walk unto Him. 

Walk on the water? I was thinking. The vast ocean is in front of me. It is impossible that I could walk like him and not sink. But Peter thought he could do it that night. This guy is a dreamer.  Among the twelve in the boat, only Peter had the guts to walk on the water. 

The Son saw his determination and invited him to come towards Him, "Come!" 

Peter was excited. He jumped off from the boat and did several steps forward. But, as soon as Peter shifted his focus from the Son to the overwhelming sizes of the waves he started sinking. 

What is my point here? 

My point is not about "Peter Sinking" It is about his guts. Dare to ask big or dream big. Peter did ask the impossible--to walk on the water. However, he was destructed by the negatives or the critics around. Instead, he should see what was ahead... to keep his eyes focus on the Son, he was swayed by the interference of life.  So his dream of walking on the water started sinking. 


I said to myself, "Abba what you would like me to realize from this story?" 

I heard He spoke in my heart, 

"You have gone so far already that you can't go back. Keep fixing your eyes on me. You are going to fulfill your dream and nothing can hinder you from what I started in your life." 

His message brought me back before I left my home year 2012. 

I said, "Amen!" 

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