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August 20, 2021

What The Father Almighty Wants Is Intimacy

By Ianpassion
The picture was taken at the viewpoint in Manang, Satun Thailand

"We cannot shut off, stop, or in any way diminish the Almighty Father's flow of love towards us. No matter what we do, we cannot cause the Almighty Father to stop loving us. Nothing can change the way He feels us." - T.D. Jakes

Our Almighty Father shows us His love in a very different way than other people or our leaders do. Man's love is subject to many restrictions, especially if we are part of an organization or an institution rather than a family.

Sometimes, worldly institutions enforce their laws in the guise of discipline or training, to the point where we act more like slaves or servants than like sons and daughters. However, this is not how the All-Powerful Father loves us. More than anything else, He yearned for intimacy with us. But the world is on the other side.

No matter what we do or say, nothing will change the reality that our All-Powerful Father will always love us. Therefore, it would be wise to cease trying harder to win His love since He already loves us. The only thing we need to do is simply REST in His presence.

It makes sense that He asked us—who are tired and burdened—to come to Him and that He would give us rest. We take His yoke and learn from Him because He is kind and lowly in spirit, and as a result, WE WILL FIND REST FOR OUR SOUL. His yoke is light, and His burden is light (Mathew 11:28-30).

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