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March 10, 2022

We Don't Need To Be The Best To Be Accepted; Jeremiah

By Ianpassion

Jeremiah had been chosen and consecrated since he was in his mother's womb. This is amazing! Regardless of his status or the transgressions inherited from his family and background, the Father accepted him.

However, this is not how the world today bases its approval. What is common is that you must be good, intelligent, or wealthy in order to be treated special. If at all possible, you must be perfect or conceal your flaws. This, however, is not the case with Jeremiah. The Father accepted him unconditionally.

When our Father shaped us, He imprinted His image on us. Even though His image in us has been tainted by our sins, we cannot deny that we still have His masterpiece. We could still shine in the dark. Regardless of how bad the person is, he tends to do more good than evil. It is due to the fact that mankind resembles the image of His Creator.

Meanwhile, at some point in our lives, we are tempted to dwell on where we have fallen. We can only feel good about ourselves if we do everything correctly. If we avoid temptation, never make mistakes, and work extremely hard; the Father will accept us.

The TRUTH is: 

There is nothing we can do to make our Father love us more or anything we can do to make Him love us less. We will no longer be insecure if we understand how deep and wide His love is for us, and how He loves us unconditionally.

Because of our relationship with the Father, we are accepted. There is no amount of good work or performance that can compensate for this. The incredible truth about our identity is that He chose us before we could choose him. He knew who we were before we knew who He was. He had loved us before we could love Him.

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