December 14, 2022

What Do The Wise Men of the East Teach Us?

By Ianpassion
Artwork of Nana, Nemi, and Mama 2022

Many of us are familiar with the story of the wise men from the east who followed the guidance of a star in the sky to find the child Savior.

What happened at the time is sometimes dramatized at our Christmas gatherings.  I  remember that I performed in a skit before about this. My role was that of a camel, and my friend was one of the wise men. My role as a camel and my friend on my back was difficult because I had to walk on my knees, but it was fun.

The scripture does not go into much detail about these wise men's backgrounds. Only we know they came from the east (probably from Persia or Mesopotamia) with gifts for the child savior. They must be powerful or very influential people. Some believed they were Kings, but I believe they are not. They are the only ones who are knowledgeable in constellations, ancient prophecies, and religions. These are the people who have the authority to install or depose kings.

I assumed that these wise men had spent a long time planning this trip because they were so focused on seeing the child savior.  Perhaps they traveled to Jerusalem with heavy arm guards because they came with expensive gifts and the desert is a dangerous trail. When they arrived at the location of the child savior's birth, they prostrated and worshiped Him. They opened their treasure chests and gave Him their gifts.

This is my point: 

Many people in the Scripture approached the Son because of their needs. They desired the Son to be their solution to all of their problems. They may have traveled a great distance to get their needs met. They climbed trees, pushed through the crowd, cried out in pain, and endured insults in order to find The Son.  Nonetheless, the Son was glad to help them and was moved by their faith.

What distinguishes the wise men from the people I mentioned above is that they went to the Child Savior solely to worship and offer Him gifts. This is pure giving because they did not expect anything in return.  They traveled a long distance and put their lives in danger. Despite knowing how long the journey would take and the danger of bandits in the wilderness, they set out to see the child savior to worship and offer Him gifts. 

Christmas is all about giving and worship. It's not about us or what we can get. Instead of focusing on what new thing I can buy or receive this Christmas, why not think about how we can honor the Son? And should we think about how and what we will give to Him this Christmas? We never have to beg for anything because He is aware of our needs. What He wants from us is a pure heart in worship and giving.

"On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh" (Matthew 2:11). 

Merry Christmas to you and to your family! 

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