Welcome to ianpassion blog. Do not overwork workself! Eat, rest, and play. When we are going through a difficult situation, it is crucial to have the right attitude. Don't let fear destroy our vision of a better future. If we stay positive in a negative situation, WE WIN!
Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts

January 23, 2023

Simple Nemi's 7th Birthday Celebration At The River Side 2023

By Ianpassion
Photo was taken at the river side of Wangsaithong River, Thailand, 2023

My son Nemi is now seven years old. Every time I remember how he survived a near-death experience, I thank our Almighty Father. His mother began bleeding when he was seven months old. So we went to our village's nearby hospital. It was around 4 a.m., and there was no doctor available. We hurriedly left and went to the main hospital in southern Thailand. It was a two-hour drive.

When we arrived, Nittie was rushed to the delivery room for emergency labor. A few minutes later, the doctor came out and informed me that they had already injected her to stop the bleeding. However, if the bleeding would not stop, then they would have to perform a cesarian to keep Nittie alive, but my son Nemi would be immature. 

October 07, 2022

It Is My Birthday Again 2022

By Ianpassion
Picture at the viewpoint in Manang, Satun, Thailand 

On my birthday, I already make it a habit to write a birthday reflection. I usually reflect on my past experiences and give thanks to the Creator of life for giving me another year to live.

But today, after reading the news about the 34 people murdered, including kindergarten children, at one of Thailand's daycare centers in the northeast, I found it difficult to write a reflection. Piyalak Kingkaew, an experience emergency worker, heading the first responder team told to Reuter, "We've been through it before, but this incident is most harrowing because the victims are little kids." Read more here...

And....this year, I attended several funeral services.  Although the ceremony was very different from what my family back home does, there was one thing that is similar which made me pause and reflect: LIFE IN THIS WORLD IS TEMPORARY and LIFE IS FRAGILE. Whether we like it or not, we will leave this physical world and return to where our souls reside eternally. But the day or hour is a mystery. No one knows. 

October 08, 2021

Reflections on Gratitude and Abba's Guidance


By Ianpassion
Picture was taken early morning at Bulon island, Satun, Thailand 

I'm grateful and humbled to be living in this country surrounded by wonderful people. I often reflect on how far I've come and acknowledge that it's through divine grace that I've overcome previous challenges. As I strive to progress in life, I know there will be more hurdles to overcome.


In the words of one of the Apostles, "Not that I have already obtained this or have already reached the goal; but I press on to make it my own... forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead. I press on towards the goal of the Heavenly call..." (Philippians 4:12-14).


November 01, 2020

I am Grateful | Birthday 2020

By Ianpassion

One of my friends told me that they don't celebrate birthdays in their culture. So I asked the reason, he said it is not important. What is important is life after death.


It is amazing that in some culture birthday is not special at all. This practice was developed perhaps from their belief system. But whatever it is, I appreciate their strong strand about eternity, which each one of us should reflect on.

October 08, 2018

Birthday Reflection: I am Alive and Confident

By Ianpassion
The picture was taken at lighthouse tower Satun, Thailand

It is my birthday again.

I was actually thinking about what I should be thankful for on my birthday. Because I received updates this year about the deaths of our loved ones.

October 10, 2017

5 Things I am Thankful On My Birthday 2017

By Ianpassion

Our existence in this world is analogous to farming. We must wait patiently for the harvest season. In this photo, I'm holding a freshly picked fried vegetable from this uncovered greenhouse. It's harvest time.

Our birthday is a seasonal milestone that allows us to take a quick break to celebrate and reflect on our past experiences, as well as an excellent opportunity to correct what we have done incorrectly in preparation for the new beginning. On my birthday in 2017, there are five things for which I am grateful

July 14, 2017

Celebrating My Birthday 2016 | Hiking

By Ianpassion 

The most common way to celebrate our birthday is to have dinner with friends or with family.

I remembered those moments when I was still a child. My parents used to organize a special party for me. Native chickens around our house were always the victims, at least ten slaughtered every birthday event.

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