Welcome to ianpassion blog. Do not overwork workself! Eat, rest, and play. When we are going through a difficult situation, it is crucial to have the right attitude. Don't let fear destroy our vision of a better future. If we stay positive in a negative situation, WE WIN!
Showing posts with label Passion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Passion. Show all posts

April 19, 2018

What If Our Good Is Not Good Enough?

By Ianpassion

I was having my morning Thai coffee and grilled sticky rice while reflecting on our involvement in developing our communities and reaching out to the less fortunate— the poor and the marginalized.

It is in our nature to be good to someone, whether a friend or a community that is suffering. However, have we ever asked ourselves: What if our good is not good enough?

January 25, 2018

What Your Passion Is So Important?

By Ianpassion
The photo was taken at Mt. Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines.

Our passion is vital because it defines what truly excites us and makes us come alive. It is the core of our vision, affections, desires, ambitions, and dreams. As Proverbs 4:23 reminds us, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Our heart encompasses the entirety of our life's passions, shaping what we deeply love and care about.

Each of us has unique passions, much like our distinct fingerprints. What excites one person might seem mundane to another. It’s essential to recognize that our individual passions are valuable, even if they aren’t shared by everyone around us.

June 21, 2017

Why You Are Not Ordinary?

By Ianpassion 

1 John 4:4
You, dear children, are from the Father and have overcome them because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

Some would say that we are ordinary who can do extraordinary things. It is not true. Why? Because only extraordinary people can do extraordinary things.

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