Welcome to ianpassion blog. Do not overwork workself! Eat, rest, and play. When we are going through a difficult situation, it is crucial to have the right attitude. Don't let fear destroy our vision of a better future. If we stay positive in a negative situation, WE WIN!
Showing posts with label Sonship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sonship. Show all posts

August 21, 2020

When you Are Afraid You Are Manipulated

By Ianpassion
By Ianpassion
Farming at NaMi Farm

The Spirit you received does not make you slaves so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. 
And by him, we cry, “Abba, Father.” 
The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of the Almighty Father. 
               (Romans 8: 15-16)

Memory verse here

In the parable of the prodigal son, the eldest son spent most of his time with slaves than with his loving father. As a result, a slave mentality developed in him until he was confused and doubtful about his sonship and his relationship with his father. Read more here...

May 24, 2018

Relativism: Is There Really An Absolute Truth?

By Ianpassion 

We are now in a society that if we are not careful enough we will be swayed away. 

A relativist says that what is true to you can be false to me and what is true to me can be false to you. This happens when the sole basis of our values is omitted, the absolute truth is replaced with reasons, and respect to multiculturalism and diversity at the expense of compromise and apostasy. 

May 14, 2018

Fulfilling Your Destiny Matters Who Are With You

By Ianpassion
Photo was taken at the mangroves plantation, Tamalang, Satun, 2017 

King Solomon said that one who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. 

Let us remember that we have a destiny. Often it is hard to fulfill this only by ourselves. However, the Father has already arranged for certain people to come along with us.  They believe and speak faith in us. 

May 09, 2018

A Lesson From A Glass Of Water: Change Your Focus

By Ianpassion 

Allow me to share this short story hoping that you will be inspired. 

There was a lady who talked to his brother, the leader of her group.

Lady: Brother I won't come to our group gathering anymore.

Brother: What's going on?

April 19, 2018

What If Our Good Is Not Good Enough?

By Ianpassion

I was having my morning Thai coffee and grilled sticky rice while reflecting on our involvement in developing our communities and reaching out to the less fortunate— the poor and the marginalized.

It is in our nature to be good to someone, whether a friend or a community that is suffering. However, have we ever asked ourselves: What if our good is not good enough?

March 28, 2018

Happy Resurrection, Three Things Somewhat Overlooked

By Ianpassion 

This Easter Sunday, I am reflecting on the disclosure of the Father’s heart carried along throughout this event.

History tells us that in 2000 years ago during the Roman empire, Someone claimed He is the Messiah, followed by many people, and who was brought to trial and crucified even though He did nothing wrong. He died, buried, and on the third day, He resurrected. This is the beginning of the narrative of the resurrection. 

March 08, 2018

Fears Took Over My Life

By Ianpassion

My life changed when I encountered the Father’s love. I was like the eldest son in a parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). What I understood work is the benchmark for approval. 

I used to believe that if I work very hard and go to bed late then the Father would love me. I thought I would be accepted if I performed well and produced impressive results.

October 02, 2017

How to Experience the Real Freedom?

By Ianpassion
Photo taken at Songkhla, Thailand 

Our birth marked a watershed moment in our parents' lives. For the first time, they cuddled us with great love and commitment that they will protect and do everything for us.

We were born free. We treasured the times when our parents provided for us. We needed to live on our own as time passed. We made new friends and searched for a way forward. However, we fell into a trap while looking. We are exploited. As a result, the freedom we once had is now only a dream. 

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